Saturday, February 20, 2021

First time homeowner tips

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In three days, I will go from renter to homeowner. I am a first generation homebuyer (is that a thing?) and I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if every aspect of homeownership. To put it in perspective, my parents live in the home my dad grew up in, which was the house his stepdad grew up in and my brother lives in the house my mom grew up in. They all live in a small town and I’m about 2 hours away in the city (Midatlantic region)

When I say that I’m not sure of every aspect of homeownership, I mean I don’t exactly know how to determine what things I should try to fix myself (I’d consider myself a strong 5 at fixing things). I also don’t know what else really makes a frugal household. I grew up poor, but I know poor doesn’t always equal frugal. What should I “splurge” on? What is okay to go the cheaper route on? Is a programmable thermostat worth it?

Edit: Also, I will be going from a $700 + gas and electric 1BR/1BA space to a $449 4BR/1BA space.

Submitted February 20, 2021 at 07:13PM by Themusicalpro

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