Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How can I make money online translating as a 17yo?

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Im 17yo and I know 4 languages in a fluent level. Portuguese,English, Russian and Romanian. I've had some experience translating from russian to portuguese but i want to work again because i need money.

Translating is not my passion but something Im good at and i want to make some money online .I wanted to try upwork but i gotta be older than 18 which im not :/

What could I do to make money online?

Or should I focus on learning something I like (I love programming/web design)? The problem is that i want to make money to help my parents pay for college and so i can have money to go out (no jobs for 17yo here)

Submitted May 15, 2019 at 06:39PM by gueinibba

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