Saturday, February 18, 2017

Would this car buying negotiation strategy work?

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I know exactly the make and model car that I want. I know people often say "used is cheaper" but I'm set on buying this one new (so don't bother encouraging me to buy used). I have more than enough cash on hand a new car, I buy cars new, maintain them well, and drive them into the ground.

There are four or five dealers in my area and I'm thinking about approaching things like this: I'll gather a bunch of my friends and we'll each go to one of the dealers simultaneously. We'll tell the salesperson: "I'm set on the 2017 Make X Model Y. I'm prepared to pay in cash now. I have friends at each of the 5 dealers in this area right now asking the same question and I'm going to buy from one of these dealers: What's the best price you can give me now on this car?"

Has anyone tried this? Would this work or fail miserably? Any other thoughts on how to go about getting the best deal on a new car?

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 11:45PM by sr330

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