Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Web developer from the Philippines, having trouble finding work

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It's been about a month since I've started looking for my first job and I'm not having too much luck. So far a majority of the companies I've applied to either never got back to me (I've tried LinkedIn, AngelList, RemoteOK, WeWorkRemotely, StackOverflow, etc), or were local jobs that I only begrudgingly applied to. I've had one interview so far and it was from a local company that was asking for far too much for what they were paying for, plus it was clear their "test" was just them trying to get free work out of me and they were trying to pigeonhole me into accepting them straight away.

It sounds naive but when I was (and am still) learning web development I thought I could apply for remote jobs from overseas companies with salaries in the $1k per month range (roughly PHP 50k, a respectable wage for this country), as opposed to the local office jobs that ask for way to much and pay somewhere in the ballpark of PHP 20k (roughly $400) a month.

As it turns out, many of these remote jobs I found are domestic only (Remote US, Remote EU, etc)

I can't afford to go to an office job because not only will I be wasting my PHP 20k salary and time on commuting through this country's horrible traffic jams but I would be exposing my 50-year-old parents to danger of infection by doing so.

So, I guess my questions are:

  1. Is there anything I can do right now to improve my chances of finding remote work from an overseas company that will pay me a real salary that I can use to both contribute to our house bills and save for the future?
  2. Is it better to just suck it up and take the significantly lesser-paying local jobs, and if so, how can I determine that whatever job I take will actually contribute to me being able to both learn how to be a better developer and get better jobs in the future?

If you're curious about my portfolio/resume, they can be found at https://leonndp.com

Submitted June 02, 2020 at 09:22PM by leotaku8 https://ift.tt/2AAqX9k

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