Saturday, September 4, 2021

Needing some feedback/info (Long)

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Hi, 1st time poster here in this community.


Does anyone have any experience with/warnings against TELUS INTERNATIONAL? I signed up to be an online analyst back in July, and had to use another email to do so (since they wouldn't use the email address I gave them when I applied). I've taken their (insanely long) qualification exam only to be rejected (no explanation as to why, of course), & I thought that was the end of it.

2wks ago, I received another invitation to sign their consulting agreement, apply, & re-take the exam so that I could be considered for this next group of analysts. I went through the same process as before, but opted not to agree to create a new email, since I don't want to manage another email account just for this company. I've given them 2 addresses, & I don't see the need to create a 3rd...

how many times do I have to take this exam/create additional email addresses in order to work for these people)? why do I need to create ANOTHER email address so that their system can identify me?



Submitted September 05, 2021 at 01:05AM by Lurk_null_0

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