Friday, September 10, 2021

My first year working online as a freelance writer.

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my thoughts on my first year working online as a freelance writer somewhere and this seems to be the perfect place to discuss it with others who work online.

I am from Venezuela (if you're not familiarized with this country, is not exactly an easy place to live in). the pandemic started and getting a job became harder than what already was... In my desperation i came up with the idea of offering writing,translation, brainstorming and basic photo editing services on Fiverr.

After two months of posting a few gigs i got my first order, i honestly was surprised because i didn't have much faith on this idea. I did my best and delivered my first job (pretty sure it was destiny, my biggest dream is to become a writer, and my first job was about writing. Not only that, it became my most successful gig) . After a few months of pretty much only writing (other gigs weren't doing so hot) Fiverr have it's conditions changed and didn't allow gigs on spanish anymore, resulting on my most successful gigs getting erased and basically making me start over again. After that i obviously felt despaired, none of the gigs where performing well... well, they weren't performing at all. Months passed and things started to get better little by little until we reached today.

I decided to just focus on writing and translation, and totally renewed my profile and gigs, it seems to be the right choice. I still hadn't reach level 2 seller, even if my earnings haven't been the best, they're more of what i can earn with any job in this country, and i had only one problematic client who cancelled suddenly a couple of hours after asking for the job. It's been an interesting and great experience overall.

Does someone else here works as a freelance writer? Got any advices to keep growing? Or how to improve my writing? Maybe other sites to work or how to improve my fiverr performance? I would love to read what all of you have to say!

Submitted September 10, 2021 at 10:54AM by Kurisugutz

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