Thursday, June 17, 2021

Starting a New Chapter

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I'm moving next week to Denver from a small town. The move will leave us with a little less than 3k in savings. Which is a lot less than I feel comfortable with. I'm gonna be honest, we're not super frugal with money. I think I'm better than average with money considering I'm 20 and I've got an apartment and savings to begin with, but I need some advice from you experienced folks.

So here are my questions, thank you for taking time out to answer them.

  1. Furniture. So usually I use Facebook marketplace for items. We're starting over pretty much completely. We have a used sectional and a thin queen size mattress but otherwise we don't have a whole lot. Anybody have any tips to recycle items, crafty diys, or particular sites you go to for cheap, but decent quality furniture?

  2. Baby items. I have a four month old, she's actually not as expensive as everyone said she would be (lol) but diapers and wipes add up. Any advice on where to get those for a bit cheaper while we settle in and get back to a stable place?

  3. Gosh I don't know how some of you make dinner each and every night, big kudos to those of you that have that skill, I envy you greatly. So I've been making a change and attempting to cook every other night. What kind of staples do you suggest that last more than a week and are fairly simple to make? Also what snacks would you suggest that also have considerable longevity?

  4. Cats. I adopted a senior cat, she's disabled. She's not very expensive but I'd like to build her a cat tower because she doesn't have too long left, I wanna make her last years fun. Any tips on how to do that frugally?

  5. Electricity bill. Any tips on how to keep that low?

  6. Apps. Does anyone have any bill tracking apps that they recommend heavily?

  7. Childcare. Please don't think me lazy when I say I want to be a stay at home mom. I love my daughter, I love watching her grow and I don't trust people to watch her. Especially considering I don't know many people where I'm going. So any recs on how to work while caring for my baby?

Thank you for reading this lengthy bill of questions, I appreciate any responses at all.

Submitted June 17, 2021 at 01:17AM by Ollie_Outsider

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