Sunday, March 28, 2021

How do I separate our finances in the eyes of the law, such that I’m not responsible for any of my spouse’s debt?

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Am I also responsible for my partner’s debts?

Hi everyone, please I need all and any suggestions on the above.

I immigrated into the United States through my partner, therefore, I’m in my thirties without a single debt and extra cash ($10K) in my account. I’ve always been prudent and somewhat frugal.

My partner has about $200K in debts and is quite the opposite, loves to spend and never plan.

I keep asking him how he plans to pay up, but he’s told me not to worry that, owing is part of the American life.

I’m not comfortable with this, because it’s so unlike my home country. Of course, some debts were incurred during the subsistence of our marriage and I stayed home to raise our kids, I’m about to start working and I don’t know if anything happens, will I be responsible or liable to pay part of what he owes?

He’s also the one who filed our taxes jointly.

In addition, when we had our baby, my family helped to pay off the exorbitant fees we were charged by the hospital, about $30K.

I’ve given some of my money to him in the past, but I don’t want to do that anymore.

Please help me!

Edit: We live in Tennessee.

Submitted March 28, 2021 at 08:57PM by TightCombination4949

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