Wednesday, May 15, 2019

[RANT] is a piece of shit.

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I have no idea if this rant will be short or long but I’m pissed off and I want to share what happened regardless of if I get criticism of how I handled the situation or whatnot.

Basically I’ve been using Privacy for a long time to protect myself from merchants trying to charge me over and over again, so I used it on NameSilo which is a domain and website hosting service and long story short I was charged twice in a row for $5.99 in less than a month which caused my checking account to overdraft which resulted in TWO $30 overdraft fees which as pissed as I was, paid off willingly and then I removed my banking and card information from Privacy.

Fast forward a week later I got another email from Privacy saying that I’ve been charged from NameSilo AGAIN (keep in mind the first time this happened they claimed that they paused my Privacy account), so you’re telling me that even when I remove my banking information AND my Privacy account is paused they can STILL charge me?

So now I have another $30 overdraft fee on my checking account and I’ve sent emails to NameSilo and Privacy and I’m waiting for responses.

Total bullshit. I’m pissed. I know people are going to be like “oh why didn’t you call your bank” or something, but honestly I don’t feel like dealing with it right now.

Rant over, don’t use Privacy.

Submitted May 15, 2019 at 06:18PM by MiddleClassCat

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