Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Playlists Unavailable

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I've been having trouble with the videos on the swagbucks website. I've relatively new to swagbucks, starting in March. At that time, the videos were just fine.

In April, the videos weren't playing, I just had a black screen but the videos still counted as being played - however this meant no autoplay and I had to physically click onto the next video.

Now, the playlists aren't even available - screen saying "The playlist you are looking for is currently unavailable."

Usually I don't bother with videos because they pay so little but sometimes I'm just a mere 2-3SBs from hitting the daily target and I can't be bothered to do a 10min survey.

I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem?

Submitted May 15, 2019 at 06:19PM by whatdyouwant

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