Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lionbridge Online Education Issue

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I'm making this post both to see if I'm the only one here having this issue, and to see if anyone has any advice as to what I can expect in going forward dealing with this issue.

Last week, I was approved to work as an Internet Safety Evaluator with Lionbridge. So far, I haven't had many issues that I couldn't figure out.

I received my welcome email, and followed all of the instructions on setting up my bank info, the browser extension and the mobile app.

While I've been a little annoyed by the lack of tasks available to me, I understand both that I am a new contractor, and that this is often the case with online task based work.

However, I open my emails this morning, and lo an behold, there's an email from LB informing me that I am fast coming up on my deadline for completing my online education assignments. In fact this deadline is tomorrow (May 16), at 5pm EDT. Email was received today (May 15) at 7:30am EDT.

I was also heavily implied that should I not complete this training, that my contract will likely be revoked.

This morning's email is literally the only communication I have recieved at all regarding online education tasks, or even on how to access this portal. I scoured my emails - all of my inboxes, my spam, my deleted emails - but nothing aside from how to access the GeoWorkers portal and the supplier portal.

Yes, I have whitelisted emails from LB.

I went through all of the information on the workers portal as well and all of the documents I've been sent. Again, I haven't been able to find anything at all about online education tasks.

Suffice to say, I'm a little more than frustrated at this point, as it seems someone at LB neglected to forward me an email or two.

I've since sent them an email outlining my problem, and insisted on an extension to access the material and complete the tasks, but I won't be holding my breath on that.

Has anyone else had this issue before? Was it resolved in anyway that was even remotely satisfying?

Or did I miss something big along the way somewhere?


Submitted May 15, 2019 at 03:42PM by katia_ros

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