Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Cheese and Wine

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I had that pop up msg from the SBLIVE app about cheese and wine. The app read that it was a $10 prize for watching, but I have no idea how to claim it. Is it going to take time to show in my account or do I actually have to purchase the stuff. I am so confused and there really wasn't much explanation on what was happening. And yes I watched the whole thing through from before they even started tasting and stuff when he said "we wanted to see how many people would show up to this." When they finished and said "bye" I just got kicked from the event and am unsure how to claim the $10. Please help!!!

Edit: I pulled up the SBanswer app to check the SB but it is not showing any of the payout... Also the guy said that they would be putting links for people on the apps but I got kicked from the "game" right away with no links offered, and when I clicked the "game in progress" I got the unable to join game msg.

Update: OK I just checked the SBanswer app and I had a whole 1SB awarded... I guess the $10 was split among everyone watching... I noticed some 1600ish watching on just the app at one point

Submitted May 14, 2019 at 06:03PM by AntarticKnight http://bit.ly/2Q3Harm

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