Tuesday, May 14, 2019

17yr old getting desperate for work (around 30 hours a week, at least $8 an hour)

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Im really getting stressed out over trying to find a viable work situation. I have bills that I need to pay plus I would like to find something that could allow me to move out and survive on my own at least for now.

I do currently have a job at a grocery store, but I only make $8 an hour, hence why 8 is my minimum, its an incredibly mundane and un-engaging job and with the pay it makes it impossible to live off of, of course. I have a year to go until im 18, so its been difficult even finding a job so far. Im still in school too so working 40 hour or longer weeks while also working on school is past my limits.

I just want something that can, hopefully, be flexible and that I can at least make the same as Im making now, but hopefully working remotely can allow me to manage work and school better and I wouldn't have to be as stressed. I know about plenty of the sites to make some cash, but I was thinking more along the lines of an actual job if possible, like remote data entry or something. There HAS to be something better for me then what Im doing now, right?

I just want to know if someone can point me in the right direction.

Submitted May 14, 2019 at 08:12PM by NotTactical http://bit.ly/2LHFa9W

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