Saturday, February 18, 2017

NatureBox - Free $20-$125 Worth Of Snacks Swagbucks News/Tips

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NatureBox is a subscription service ($5 per month) but they give you the first month free and a $20 credit when you sign up with a referral link.


After your first purchase they give you a personalized referral link and you get a $20 credit for each sign up but it caps at five referrals ($100)


How to get the best value:


You can put $20 of snacks in your cart and pay $4.95 for shipping, OR, for the best value: Put $25 worth of snacks in your cart (which will get you free shipping) then pay the $5 difference.



You can easily cancel your free trial after you receive your order. Feel free to ask me any questions and start a referral train.

Submitted February 18, 2017 at 08:53PM by NomNomNomSnacks

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