Thursday, February 23, 2017

How I earn a $1 a day running a program in the background of my PC

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Vagex is a traffic-refferral site which basically means people use it to promote YouTube views so they get higher view-counts.

You can make money by being one of these peoples that watches the video. By the way the software on your computer will automatically watch the videos for you.

At the moment vagex is referal only to stop spammers I imagine. My referall URL is

for the referall you will need my email adress which is jacktheparker[at]

Once you sign in and install the program I would recommend running it in a program called Sandboxies. This is purely as a precaution as I never run most software natively. Sandboxie works by creating a virtual enciroment on your ocmputer so the vagex viewer cant see any of your files or do anything malicious.

As you run the program (or a FireFox plugin) you gain credits for the videos watched. These credits can be redeemed into PayPal $. The most I have earned a week has been about $10 (but I was leaving my computer on 24/7 due to finals week :D )

This is a nice little passive earner which always brings a smile to face when I bother to redeem (usually once every month I redeem about $30).

Submitted February 23, 2017 at 06:00PM by californianyan

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