Sunday, April 21, 2024

Exit Poll: "Are you looking for a new savings account?"

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New Savings Account: 6000 SB. Cheeseball Stock Image: Priceless.

I was so totally flabbergasted by the vague terms of this offer that I thought I was hallucinating when I first saw it on MyPoints. I went over to SwagBucks to check for some kind of misprint or error on the MP side, but much to my surprise I found they were identical, right down to the cheeseball stock image. I was even more shocked when I found u/KasanjeTech had already posted about it; I considered hijacking his post for my exit polling, but decided to be kind to his notifications and create a new one since he was so kind as to provide his answers up front.

Part of me wanted to figure out how they're scamming us, while the other part wanted to jump on it before anyone thought too hard... including me. I decided to split the difference: a minimal effort trial run on MyPoints and a questionnaire on Reddit for anyone who has done the offer already. Please leave your answers here if you've attempted to complete this offer; I'm sure all of us who have just discovered it will appreciate your help.

  1. Which banks were listed, and which did you choose?
    • When I clicked through on MyPoints, there were four banks listed: Bask Bank, Laurel Road, Quontic and UFB Direct. When I clicked through on SwagBucks, only three appeared, but the one that was missing (UFB Direct) was the one I opted to try through MyPoints. This is obviously a thin shell over some referral links, but it's very possible it recorded my IP address when I clicked UFB Direct for MyPoints and used that info to hide it when I clicked through again from the same machine on SwagBucks.
    • OP had an option that I did not: QuinStreet Savings. Interested in how many options others see.
  2. Did anyone get denied for unexpected or unexplained reason, or have any other sort of unanticipated conflict or problem?
    • The first thing that caught my eye was that the UFB Direct page had a privacy notice... from Axos Bank. Okay, yes, Axos is a different website, but perhaps UFB is just a thin wrapper around Axos. If anyone has already opened an Axos account and later had difficulties with this one, this would be the pace to tell your story.
  3. What kind of account(s) did you open?
    • The second thing I noticed was the suggestion that I should open a checking account as well. I don't really want to do so, because thanks for Swagbucks I already have more checking accounts than any one person will ever need. thanks to SwagBucks, so I opted for just savings. I don't anticipate regret for this choice, but who knows... that's why I'm trying to learn based on the experience of others,
  4. How much did you deposit?
    • I chose UFB Direct because it had the highest interest rate and no minimum deposit or balance. I'm one broke-ass bitch, so I deposited one dolla you-ess, cuz that's what "no minimum deposit" implies... right? Confirmations and/or denials would be appreciated.
    • OP went with $10. Must be nice, swimming in cash like that.
  5. Did the SB succesfully go to pending? How long did it take? Did you have to enter a ticket? Any rejection stories?
    • OP said 11 days, and it went direct to credited (skipping the 32 days pending it lists), but I'd like a more thorough sample so I know when to start worrying, and when I can close the account.
  6. Finally, does anyone know if this can be completed for both SwagBucks and MyPoints since there are four (or more?) banks involved?
    1. Just thinking ahead... $60 is a lot of money to me these days, and this is minimal effort unless I missed something. I'm not too proud to exploit the system.

Thanks in advance for providing your answers. If you're like me and just have more questions, feel free to leave those as well.

Submitted April 22, 2024 at 02:00AM by amandalishus23

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