Monday, October 9, 2023

Thanks re-giving, garden edition.

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So this week end was Canadian thanksgiving. Its not very much celebrated, but in our family it is. We make it true to its origin, a harvest thing. All harvested or homegrown ingredient (other than some pantry standard)

So we had homemade blueberry wine, locally hunted turkey, home grown vegetable (carrots, yellow bean, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, sugar snap pees, onions) raspberry, blueberry pie. One friend even brought partridge jerky.

We all brought so much, we ended sharing our harvest with each other. There was still much left, so i took a lot of it, including the turkey carcass.

So today, I woke up early despite being hungover (that blueberry wine pack a punch) I made stock from the turkey carcass and made a soup from all the leftover i brough home. I then spent the afternoon bringing soup to all me family and friend that were so generous with their harvest.

There is plenty leftover. Cost me barely anything and i made my family and friends life just a little bit better. I'm so glad I did it, I wanted to share

Submitted October 09, 2023 at 11:07PM by DrunkenSeaBass

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