Saturday, September 30, 2023

Frugal Tips for the Months Ahead?

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October through December are usually the most expensive months for our family with holidays and celebrations. But our financial situation has changed dramatically in recent months.

I'm trying to budget and feeling totally overwhelmed. I don't want to take the fun out of the season, deprive my kids or make them feel the financial pinch. Do you guys have any tips to make these upcoming months less expensive while still being fun?

*Example: My kids love going to this pumkin patch every Oct. It has hay rides, carnival games, food carts, etc.. It also has an entrance fee of $20/person, each activity is $6/ticket & the pumkins are a ridiculously high price per pound. There's no way we can do that this year. Other pumkin patches in the area are similarly priced. They're already asking to go. I can pick a pumkin up at Aldi for cheap but they'll be missing out on the experience. I don't know how to make it up to them.

Submitted October 01, 2023 at 12:50AM by Mango_Tango_321

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