Wednesday, May 26, 2021

State of Survival x The Walking Dead

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You may have noticed this showing up on offerwalls for HQ lv20/$20. I completed it again earlier and I have to say that it's MUCH easier now as the game gives you a lot of resource packs, speed ups are easier to acquire and the whole game meta has changed where the top clans won't attack each other.

Most people know about saving the chief levels for stamina refills to get Travis backpacks, but there is this new sidequest happening with TWD where you can get days of speedups as rewards. Resource tiles seem to spawn more often as well.

It took me 11 days last time but this time only 6.5 days. Reward is lower but the overall experience is much smoother.

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 06:15AM by Sufficient_Spirit

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