Friday, May 28, 2021

Latest Sunbasket 6000 SB offer purchase not tracking

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I got an email earlier this month for a discounted Sunbasket subscription. I clicked through and placed an order. The visit tracked in my activity, but of course my signup didn’t go pending. I figured after my card was charged and the first shipment was delivered it would.

My first (giant) box arrived Wednesday, but the purchase is still not pending. I clicked on customer service to open a ticket, but something was weird. In my activity list the visit is listed as 5/17, but clicking to open a ticket prefills the visit date as 5/18 which cannot be edited. My order screenshots and Sunbasket “You did it!” email are all from very early 5/18. I’m worried the mismatch will be an issue when I open a ticket. (I don’t think I clicked before midnight on 5/17 then checked out on 5/18. )

To add to the confusion, later in the afternoon on 5/18 I get an email from Swagbucks: “Did you forget something at SunBasket?” (Um, no. I already placed an order!!) Clicked that one and accidentally triggered another visit in my activity list dated 5/18. Odd thing is, the customer service link for that one shows the purchase date as 5/19!

I don’t think I’ve ever had an offer post that didn’t pend so, I know there’s a ticket waiting in my future. Which date will I use—the first “visit” date or the first “purchase” date??

Has anyone else has this happen?

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 10:12AM by ebf6

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