Saturday, May 29, 2021

Full time Writer/Part time actor looking for collaborators on new video essay YouTube channel

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Writer working on writing first video for YouTube channel video essay’s in the style of Contra Points, Philosophy Tube, Atrocity Guide, Down the Rabbit Hole, J Aubrey, Sarah Z or Izzy. Politics, History, Internet Niches, and Philosophy are the main topics of the channel. Asked several people in my friend group to work with me, but everyone has large amounts of personal shit to deal with. The most talented or most experienced are not needed, I am mainly looking for people with enough free time to help out. Obviously I don’t need all your time, jobs and school are okay, I’m really just looking for collaborators. We can collaborate on the name of the channel, the themes of the channel, what we write about and so on. I already have some preconceived notions of what the channel would look like, but I am more than happy to change that plan for the team. If all of this sounds good to you, now I’d like to talk more about what I’m looking for in team members. Number one is writers, I have a list already written up about of topics I would love to cover, but if you have your own ideas I’m happy to collaborate on them. Outside of writers though, there are so many other jobs I could use help with on this channel. Second most important is editors. I have one local guy who can use premier pretty well, and mostly makes meme edits, but I’ll probably need some real editors since I’m looking to make longer form spoken word content. I’m happy to read the scripts we write ourselves as I already own all the recording and camera equipment needed, but I am not set on that and am more than happy to have somebody else be our face of the channel. I’m a 19 y/o Canadian writer living in Calgary Alberta looking to start a team to start a Yt channel, so I’ll be reposting this on the Calgary subreddit in case anybody local wants to collaborate. But if you are anything but local, please do not let that stop you from applying. I am very good with technology in general, and the great thing about running a YouTube channel, especially during a pandemic, is that nothing needs to be local. Editor’s, writer’s, artist’s and actor’s, as long as you have some form of long distance communication IE discord, phone #, Skype or zoom, we can still totally work together on this project. If anything I have written interests you, and you would like to collaborate with me on starting a new YouTube channel, then please email me directly at or just PM me here on Reddit for more information. Blessing’s, peace and love~ Jasper Linneberg

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 08:21PM by turtilinni2002

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