Saturday, April 10, 2021

What other platforms should I try out?

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Hello everyone!

Background: I’ve been scoring a moderate success on Fiverr, where I became a levelled seller in some months’ time. I make my few hundreds of bucks every month by working on what I’ve always liked doing in my spare time, just a bit more professionally, for not even too much.

Success aside however, I’ve seen some of my peers doing the same as me who have been expanding and becoming more successful in a more comfortable way on other platforms, and I'm feeling inadequate because of that. I know it's stupid but I'm just on there and that's it, as I know jack about my next move due to my general ignorance of other websites in the eLancing realm. I started with Fiverr less because I liked the place and more because I liked the gig format.

I’m here humbly looking for some guidance. What do you think could be other places I should totally check out, based on what I do?

My three major fields of work revenue-wise are:

  • Graphic Design, "homemade", as I do everything with open source tools. I work on more common things like logos and book covers, but also in niche sectors such as complex vector/texture designs for stuff like VSTs. I plan on learning how to wholly make fonts since they’re my passion.
  • Music, for which I'm building a small-ish studio with licensed DAW, gear and everything. I make a wide array of electronic music, even VGM-oriented such as chiptune. I’m currently polishing up my mixing and mastering skills to make my production sound even more professional.
  • Translation. I'm not certified but if you know about cool stuff I need a C2 level in English for, let me know!

On the side, there's video editing (I'm a pro at Vegas, paid for it even) which is off limits due to what I believe is a terrible work/pay ratio – I will never do it on its own or at all unless it’s tied to my design work for any valid reasons – and article writing about entertainment-related news/issues. The latter is my black sheep: never been able to sell that service on Fiverr. If you know a good place where I can put my writing and knowledge to use, let me know about that too.

And, when it comes to freelance platforms, these are my thoughts and preferences:

  • Hourly pay (no idea of how time is kept track of on places like UpWork, so kindly fill me in if you can) is fine, but I still really like the fixed price model with some space for tailored offers. Anything with those, no "sudden discomodations" or that is at least less of a broom up the a** than Fiverr, which is extremely invasive and annoying at times, is also a +1 in my book.
  • I’m cool with more “side/beer-money” platforms, as long as they’re not idle, degrading stuff, or toying with your time by paying you peanuts a year later. If I can add another, say, fifty or hundred bucks to my revenue every month with a few hours of input, I’m all in. I was looking at UserTesting for a split second before and thought it looked cool.

P.S.: I live in Europe. You are totally free to point me to similar subreddits you'd think I would find neat.

Thank you!

Submitted April 10, 2021 at 11:09PM by Sinistrail

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