Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Increase sells using Instagram bot

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Ever since I started dropshipping I was never a fun of using fb ads. I always used Instagram influencers to promote my products and I was getting a good ROI.

So after a while of using influencers I decided to buy an Instagram account with minimum of 60K followers from one of them but guess what they were way expensive than I thought and most influencers wont even sell you their account for what ever price you offer because they make way more selling shout outs.

So I decided to grow my own account and did some research, I found a way to grow my account in a short period of time all organically and not buying fake followers. This method is called follow/unfollow. I started doing this for about a week but it was exhaustive and time consuming to manually follow/unfollow accounts. So I created a script that does all this for me automatically without any human intervention and low and behold I started seeing the results within the first day of creating the script.

I made this script into a chrome extension and posted it on gumroad for all those of you guys that would want it. It's currently almost free you can pay any amount you wish to support me with this project so that I can keep maintaining it in the future. You can get it here

Submitted April 07, 2021 at 06:30AM by connasaurus

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