Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Appen Yukon & Lionbridge Map Quality Analyst at the same time.

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Today i start with the first exam for Yukon (yup, stressing out with all those guidelins already) but this morging i received an offer from Lionbridge after a month to agree their terms and conditions and start preparing for their exams too.

I don't think i can prepare for both exams at the same time withouth losing my mind, but i dont want to lose this opportunities either.

Im already with inside the exame period with Yukon, but not with Lionbridge. Could i just wait until i finished the first examen with Yukon and then review the terms and conditions of Lionbridge Map Analyst? Or maybe they just dont take me to the "party" because waited a week to review and accept the terms and conditions?

Any advice? Thanks.

Submitted April 07, 2021 at 07:11PM by Albuxan

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