Friday, April 30, 2021

Appen China using Lark... Thoughts?

1 comment :

Hi, I signed up for Appen audio transcribing job (I'm located in the US) and got an invitation from Appen China. I know a lot of ppl say avoid working with China and if they require downloading Appen 9 software, but they sent me a program called Lark and TCS.

Any thoughts on this? haven't replied or downloaded the software yet. They also say the pay is 112USD requiring at least 12-14hrs. Also $8 per row.

Never worked with Appen so pls share your thoughts!! thanks!! :D

Submitted April 30, 2021 at 07:29PM by lilac_uu

1 comment :

  1. I'm starting to with on it soon, did you do this eventually? Any thoughts about the project?
    I really want to know how the training is being performed as it is very intensive.
    Is it a video conference or what?
    I would really like to hear more about it.
