Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Appen weird VPN message


Hi. I need help. I work over Crowdflower, Figure eight and now Appen for a many years and now i got message that I use VPN but I don't use it. Original message:

"VPN Detected

You must disable your VPN in order to access jobs."

No one use my computer only me and I never instal VPN or use any of that services. Did anyone have a problem with this in past? Thanks.

Submitted January 20, 2021 at 08:22PM by drlaza


  1. i got the same message after i registered and i never installed any VPN on my computer. I also found this weird. Please reply back if you found out anything about it

    1. I also got the same msg, I also do not have a VPN I was on Chrome, I switched to Microsoft edge and I was able to do a survey, but I did get the same msg after. I just started appen that was my first survey. I hope this helps

  2. I just received the same thing. I have searched online for solutions and was able to turn off the vpn on my PC. But I still receive the same error. I don't know what to do now.

  3. I just started to use Appen and got the same message. It's my personal laptop and I never install or use VPN.

  4. I also got the same msg, I also do not have a VPN I was on Chrome, I switched to Microsoft edge and I was able to do a survey, but I did get the same msg after. I just started appen that was my first survey. I hope this helps
