Thursday, October 29, 2020

The most valuable frugal lesson I have learned? Stop upgrading your gear every year and use things until they fail.

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It’s sounds like a simple and obvious thing to do right? But I found myself caught in this trap of getting a new phone because mine wasn’t the latest version or getting new boots just because mine were getting worn.

I have saved so much money in the past few years by instead of lusting after the latest and greatest thing, doing my research and using things until they completely fail.

I am currently using a 9 year old MacBook for my work machine and it does everything I need it to do (photoshop & office work). My boots have started to crack but they work perfectly. My everyday clothes are getting old but I have cleaner/newer stuff for interviews & when it matters.

If you’re sitting there talking yourself into buying a new “buy it for life” or frugal purchase, first, ask yourself if what you have will last.

I hope this has made sense, please share your stories of keeping and using things past their intended lifecycle.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 09:07PM by SpaceHoppity

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