Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Renting house vs apartment?

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Feel free to let me know if this is the wrong sub to ask this.

Long story short we’ve grown sick of hearing our neighbors and vis versa. Most of the landlords for apartments are awful and we feel we may have better luck with an individual landlord.

Apartments cost between $900-1200 for a one bed in my area not including internet (60) and utilities (50). Renting a house isn’t frugal but seems plausible given I can live in a somewhat cheaper area for maybe $100 more a month and perhaps a bit more on utility. Maintenance would be covered by the landlord I believe.

Anyone have any person advice or experience with this? Things to look out for? Am I missing something?

Submitted June 04, 2020 at 01:35AM by asdfqwertypop

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