Monday, March 2, 2020

Those of you who switched from major phone carriers to cheaper 3rd party carriers: was it worth it?

1 comment :

Personally I think the difference of frugality and cheapness is whether you find ways to save money without sacrificing quality or functionality.

I am interested in switching from Verizon to a cheap 3rd party carrier. However my major concerns about using a cheaper carrier are:

1.) Reception- can I still get reception in areas where I should be expected to have service. If my reception in the boonies is less reliable, I'm not too concerned, but when I am within city limits, I shouldn't have dead zones.

2.) Data- I need to know that I can access GPS on the go. Everything else I can live without, but I need to know that if I need to, my data will actually work and load the maps.

3.) Quality- I need to know that my phone won't start dropping calls or refusing to send texts after I switch carriers. I don't use my phone a lot at work, but when I do I need it to work. I work on a ski resort and if I need to call patrol, I need the call to go through.

So what's your experience? Is a major carrier worth the investment? Or will I be just fine on a cheaper line?

Submitted March 02, 2020 at 09:45PM by akraft96

1 comment :

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