Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Don't let anyone make you feel bad for your choices.

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I'm sure a post like this has been made time and time again, but I'm really feeling it today. First time posting in this sub so if I'm doing it wrong please let me know!

So financially my life has been pretty unstable for the past few years for a slew of reasons, I've tightened my budget as much as it can possibly be tightened without foregoing food or giving up my fur/scale babies. My only luxuries right now are Netflix and the occasional takeout meal.

Just last week, my car died. With two jobs, it's absolutely killing me and I'm trying my best to keep it together until I find the most affordable option to drive, as well as figure out logistically and economically the best way to trade/give up shifts at either job instead of spending $60/day on transportation or spend 4+hours traveling in addition to 10+ hours of work.

I happen to be pretty good friends with one of my higher ups at one of these jobs, and today we had a conversation that went something like this. M - Me, H - Him.

H: Did u get a car?

M: Working on it

H: New?

M: I'm gonna lease if I can.

H: Nice what kind

M: Whatever's cheapest.

H: Lmao

It was a super simple conversation but I have conversations like this what feels like all the time. Why is it funny that I have/want to go for what's cheapest? I have had $90 in my bank account since Sunday, trying to figure out how best to spend it until I get paid on Friday. My rent will be a week late. Or is it funny that I don't have a name-brand response to "what kind"? I don't know, but either way the conversation ticked me off.

I refuse to explain myself. My finances are not a pity party (except in this post maybe :o ?). Doing what I have to do to survive until things get better is not a laughing matter imo. I know I'm being sensitive by being bothered, but after years of working my butt off, little things like that are starting to get to me.

I have a job interview tomorrow for a 3rd job that I'm pretty sure I won't have any issues getting to, and I kindly let my friend/supervisor know that he'll need to start looking for someone to supplement the shifts I won't be available for at that job come April/May.

I'm only venting. I won't feel bad for making choices for myself that are financially sound. I'm just so, so tired.

Submitted March 03, 2020 at 07:22PM by pseudo_orphan https://ift.tt/2wnnWaC

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