Monday, March 2, 2020

Australians who’ve worked for Rev, what did you do about taxes?

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Just started working for Rev, just got paid for the first time today and I have no idea how to deal with the tax side of things since they’re based in the US. I reckon I can easily keep up an earning of at least $100 AUD a week which is roughly $70 USD and for us that wouldn’t be an issue with our tax free threshold being like 18k right now but as far as I can see from looking around, the US is WAY lower if they have one at all. Like $600 low.

So before I do too much more work on Rev, does anyone know how to deal with it. Should I just set money aside, where do I pay it to etc?

Don’t have to be Australian either obviously, if you can help me out regardless that would be rad.

Side note: I know Rev can be awful, I know the pay is low and the audio quality can suck, but right now it’s giving me money I didn’t have and experience I can use to apply to better transcription companies if I get that far. Just need the tax advice.

Submitted March 02, 2020 at 07:01PM by mzcain27

1 comment :

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