Thursday, February 27, 2020

Have you considered paying other people to apply to remote jobs for you, copywrite you CV, answer job questionnaires, do your interview assignments, etc?

1 comment :

I'm a bit lazy and there is a lot of competition for online roles. I've always made good money at my last roles, but many companies seems to be spamming homework assignments and questionnaires of 20 questions why I'd like to work at the company.

More importantly, having people browse the job sites, apply for jobs, write motivational letters. Have people outsourced this with any success?

I'm also looking for ways to automatically re-upload my CV on the job boards weekly and moonlighting a second online freelance contract, to increase my job security.

Obviously 1 trick with outsourcing this would be to find competent people. Most people write very offensive and harsh comments online, but when you see their work, their CV looks sloppy, their job applications look bad, their standards are low.

Submitted February 27, 2020 at 09:29PM by ujjain

1 comment :

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