Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What is your absolute #1 tip in frugality? My top 2 are..

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Curious to hear from the pros around here - and I think a good list could be added to the new wiki.

I have two top tips:

1) Make a grocery list and basic meal plan for the week. I never thought this would work for me as years ago, I worked in a kitchen and I'm sort of oriented around 'improvising'. Making a list has saved me a bunch of time, mental space, and money, and has led to healthier eating. I have definitely done less impulse buying, and have created less waste. I am really surprised to say this has changed my life for the better over the past couple of years.

2) Save veggie scraps and things that are no longer amazingly fresh in a bag in the freezer. A couple of times a month I get a roast chicken, and when we're done with it I throw the bones and bits and all those scraps in an instantpot with a couple of onions and carrots, and I pressure cook the heck out of it for a few hours. I then blend it and strain it - it makes a great broth for soup, and brings my household waste down to almost nothing. Sometimes I freeze that broth just to have on hand, but usually, we eat it within a day or two.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 01:57AM by Asterios390528

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