Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Just a little thank you to the community - detail your stuff to bring it back to life!

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So I was reading this sub a few weeks ago and someone wrote a post about how detailing their car made them love it again and changed their perception of their car? Well, I think I internalised that somehow as I have just had it pay off for me on a smaller scale!

I'd been thinking about getting a new phone. I have an iPhone 6 from 2015. Nothing wrong with it. Replaced the battery earlier this year to extend its life some more, but I recently updated my laptop after 10 years of various upgrades to RAM, etc. I reached the point where I couldn't upgrade to the new mac OS and I couldn't do various tasks on my teaching rounds with it (connect to apple tv screens in the classrooms etc), so I bit the bullet and invested... Which immediately made my phone look pretty shit and shabby tbh.

There was nothing wrong with my phone - just that it looked tired next to my new fancy computer. So I'd been considering upgrading. Instead, earlier this week I got a new glass protector screen installed. Cost me all of $20 and now all the cracks from the glass are gone, all the little scratches and chips - it looks brand new! Those glass protector screens do such a good job and I'm so impressed at how strong they are! This is the first time I've replaced it in 4 years, so no wonder it looked kinda shitty.

I also bought a screen wipe and screen cleaner for both my laptop and my phone and I've enjoyed how nice they both look. Honestly, with the new battery I can probably get another couple of years out of it.

The next time I feel like that I will 100% just clean the item, upgrade some element of it and then I'm sure it will be a big change. Enforced obsolescence is coming for us all, but I'm pretty happy getting 4+ years out of a mobile phone at this point. So thank you whoever posted that about their car! You just saved me approx $1000 AUD

Submitted May 22, 2019 at 01:05AM by mintisthebestcolour http://bit.ly/2Jz4tsW

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