Friday, March 8, 2019

Whisky investment brings steady growth

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So basically if you want passive income you need a first investment, either in money or time.

If you're broke your only option is to spend time doing something or learning something that will payoff later.

But if you have a bit of money saved you can put it to profit and invest it. Stocks trading is a great option, high yields but learning curve is steep with high risks. Dividends stocks investment is a lot less risky but a few exceptions aside max yield is 2-4% per year so you need a lot of money to make a sizeable profit.

Now about whisky. Whisky ages in casks and rise in value overtime no matter what. And with a steady rate that is. We are talking about 10-15% per year. The risk is very low, fees are ok, i'd say about 1.2 - 1.5% per year diminishing the longest you keep the whisky. I've been on it for 2 years and at that rate in another 2,5-3 years I'll have doubled my investment. And no need to buy bottle or entire casks and figure out where to store them without damaging their contents. It's all held into a warehouse and insured. That is accounted in the fees mentioned above, that's why the fees are a bit higher than other investments.

But don't take my word for it, look at the chart section on their site, it's basically a steady climbing straight line. If you are interested and open an account please close all tabs of their website and open the link below, it wont change much you (sorry, i'd also prefer if it was a win-win situation) but will give me a 25% cut on their commissions on the orders you will make. And even if this link don't do much for you, you'll still thank me later when you've doubled your money.

Nice day everyone, Good luck with your profits be it in whisky or something else ;)

Submitted March 08, 2019 at 02:57AM by codeartha

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