Wednesday, March 6, 2019

If you're interested in any kind of marketing. Try this website.

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First disclaimer: These do start as very part time unpaid internships. More info on that below.

Double Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate. I am not being paid for this. This subreddit has helped me so much in my working online journey. I wanted to give something back.

Sorry for the clickbait title. The website is

I started using it a couple weeks ago and it's been amazing. They have free courses and the more courses you complete, you get experience points. This will be important in a minute.

Once you finish one full course (like the intro to marketing course). You can "apply" to have your profile approved. Keep taking courses while you wait. The more courses the better. Once you're approved. There are some extra steps to get verified. Do all of them. They are so simple and they help you out immensely.

Once you've done that. Your profile has a better chance of being seen. And you can start reaching out to mentors. Every mentor has a different set of tasks they need from an apprentice. You can reach out to ones looking for skills you want to develop.

I went through the process of verifying my account. Got it approved last night. I've already had 6 mentors reach out to me.

These are unpaid. However. Genm is recognized by many in the industry. They are recognized on LinkedIn. People often get get amazing recommendation letters. Sometimes hired on to the company they were interning through. And sometimes referred to another company they know is hiring.

It's a great networking opportunity. It's a great opportunity to get guided hands on experience from people in the industry. It's a great foot in the door. And it's experience you can put on your resume.

The internships are max 10 hours a week. And last 3 months. The company has labor contracts you have to sign before you start working in order to protect you and the mentor. The more experience points and badges you have on your profile. The more attractive you are to mentors. Marketing has so many branches and so many opportunities to work remote. They take people from all over the world. I saw two women in South Africa in the genm Facebook group we just got added to.

Also. Bonus tip. I found out about this through a digital nomad Facebook group. If you want to work online. Facebook is the place to be. Join all the digital nomad/working online/working remote groups you can. Do not immediately go in asking "Where can I work?"

Read the posts. Read the rules. Use the facebook group search bar with the questions you want. Contribute what you can (this part is crucial). Ask industry specific questions. I have been using the groups actively for a month and they have been a wealth of information.

I'm currently talking to 6 mentors within 24 hours of being approved. And very likely will have signed on to an opportunity by the end of the week. The courses have been super informative and have taught me so much. And if you're even a tiny bit interested. is a great place to start.

Happy working!

Submitted March 06, 2019 at 12:17PM by SelfishThailand

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