Thursday, March 7, 2019

Any help fora newbie way over her head?

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Apologies already for the text wall!

Hiya all! I'm a 20 year old woman who has come to terms with her unnecessary over spending and currently have no odea how to get back on track. I've asked the people around me but they have no idea what to do since they're in the same boat as me. At the moment, I'm staying with my mother and saving up for a place of own but I can't seem to get off the ground. A little bit of info about me, I'm in food service and making about $7.30 an hour. I get paid every Friday but my hours are already decreasing more than they've ever been. I used to work from 5 p.m. till 11 or sometimes 12 but last week, I got 10 hours total over three days. With that in mind, my mother and I have already discussed gettibg a second and maybe third job and I've already started applying.

I have two bank accounts. A checking and savings in a credit union called Navy Federal and another checking and savings in suntrust. The only cards I have are bank cards and prepaid cards that I've tried to keep myself on a budget that didn't really work.

A little bit of my expenses include, gas, insurance, car note, phone bill, and any medical bills (mostly dental bills) and that's the basics aside from day to day random things. That's about $255 a month without gas being factored in.

I also want to get better in general but have a hard time with finances. It wasn't really taught to me as a child and my family have always gone shopping and the like without a list. My close family have their own things going on, I assume, but they're always eager to overdo each other with the newest and best items possible at any time possible. So, there was never a conversation about balancing check books or savings or even how much you should be putting away for a rainy day. It's always been "Look at my new house", or "Look at my new car". My own mother has admitted feeling like she should cut down her own spending but doesn't know how.

So, after feeling like shit after checking my back account, I decided to admit my problem and try to fix it. Which brings me here.

TL;DR: After no financial talk with anyone in my family, I've become bad with money as well. I'm making $7.30 an hour working Thur, Fri, and Sat (5pm-whenever). Get paid every Friday and know that I need a second and possibly third job that I'm applying to already but would like some help starting my journey into frugality.

Side note: I am doing little tasks and things online to earn a little extra money but everything I have usually doesn't sit in my bank account for more than a month.

Submitted March 07, 2019 at 03:02AM by MsDarla

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