Monday, March 4, 2019

A nice surprise!

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If you have a few hours to kill each week, I definitely recommend cleaning for an AirBnB! Not only is it extra cash (pays for my gas for the week), but you often find some really good stuff left behind! In the last 2 weeks I've gone home with almost an entire case of beer, a half carton of eggs, a mostly full bag of frozen hashbrowns, an unopened block of cheese, a bag of Dr Teals Epsom Salts, 4 unopened cans of Mango La Croix and half a loaf of multigrain bread! I also find quite a bit of loose change. I recommend getting permission from your hosts to take things left behind. My hosts allow it, and actually prefer that I take stuff instead of random leftovers being left in the fridge. It's an awesome gig, if you don't mind cleaning up random pubes and mystery stains.

Submitted March 04, 2019 at 09:42PM by sammy_nobrains

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