Friday, June 7, 2024

My prepaid Mastercard from MyPrepaidCenter is being declined by Paypal

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I had previously been able to add the prepaid Mastercards I redeemed from Swagbucks onto my Paypal account and transfer money around that way, but it stopped working several months ago. Since then I was using a workaround of requesting money from myself through one of my other email accounts and just refusing to create a Paypal account with the other email. However tonight my card is being declined and it is acting like the card has no money despite it showing a balance in my profile on MyPrepaidCenter.

Has anyone else had this happen recently or is it just a me problem? i only ever get the prepaid cards for the discounted first purchase of the month so it isn't a huge blow normally, but with the recent issues with Paypal redemptions it would be a bigger issue if this loophole is being closed too.

Also, if this is happening to others are there alternative ways to get the money off the cards? I am saving money for a trip and we all know not to trust our money in Swagbucks past a certain amount

Submitted June 08, 2024 at 01:58AM by DogiiKurugaa

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