Thursday, May 18, 2023

How much is Yahtzee supposed to pay out (and does anyone have proof)

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I’ve been working on Yahtzee recently and was excited to reach level 34 today due to the 4,000 SB offer. I know it’s supposed to be able to take some time to lend but I’ve now noticed a 200 SB payout for reaching level 33 pending. This has to be wrong right? I can’t find the offer anymore, when I went through my search history it said no longer available, and somehow I’ve taken a screenshot of every other offer I’ve attempted except this one. Basically, any idea how I should approach this? The only contact us form I can find seems to be for requesting missing points which doesn’t seem to be quite what I need.

Submitted May 19, 2023 at 01:35AM by IHappenToBeJosh

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