Saturday, May 20, 2023

For anyone living in an apartment complex managed by a big corporation

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So I live in a very high priced area and my rent sky rocketed when this new corporation took over. I'm not going to name the corporation but apparently they are taking over the west coast where I live. I'm not sure if they are in other parts of the US. As the saying goes...if you can't beat them join them. Well that's what I did I started working for them and I get a certain percentage of my rent because I already live at a complex that is owned by them and if I want to live at the property I work at I get an even bigger percentage of my rent. This may seem like the evil thing to do is to join an evil corporation but hey I'm gonna be living in a nice area in a very nice modern apartment very soon for really cheap. I just thought I'd throw it out there because saving on rent is a huge win imo.

Submitted May 20, 2023 at 11:46PM by droale666

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