Sunday, September 12, 2021

Back again with another guide. Mafia City went to $100 dollars in swagbucks and here’s how you can get it.

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I covered this game in one of my previous guide posts but here’s a much more in-depth one. I hope it helps you guys.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about Mafia City being hard to complete without big spending so I redownloaded the app to so I could make a much more comprehensive guide.

Let me start with some general things about the base builder games like this.

  1. They’re PVP games. And people in these games that actually play them are serious. Don’t argue with people in chat. Don’t make people mad at you. You’re not going to have time to wage war and build in 30 days. Don’t talk shit to people. They can make your life hell.
  2. They’re very grindy games that you need to pay attention to. You need notifications on. If you get attacked and lose all your resources, troops you use to gather, or both you’re basically game over as far as the offer goes after a certain point unless you do some spending.
  3. You will probably have to spend to complete most of them. In my honest opinion, spending at the very start is advisable. You gain a lot at the start if you can unlock things right away. Spending after a few day is wasteful compared to dropping 5 bucks at the start to push yourself at the start.
  4. Don’t waste anything. Everything has value. Read. Pay attention. Not noticing something important could lose you literal days worth of speed ups.
  5. When you start one of these games for the first time, make sure you have some time to sit there. Even if you don’t read anything…which I don’t recommend…you have a ton to do at the beginning. Your goal is to reach the point where you only have to manage it every two to 3 hours. But at the beginning you’ll grow very quickly.

Okay. Now I’m going to hit on the finer points of Mafia City specifically. I’m going to try to give details on everything but I will being with the most important things you will need to focus on to speed run level 25.

  1. Gathering resources with troops.

There are two things to focus on here. Troop production and researching at the investment agency to create more Crime Ops Ques. By level 17 I was able to send out 3 gathering crews that could full clear resource tiles on the map in one go.

Gather and never stop. Just because you don’t need them now doesn’t mean you won’t later. AND YOU WILL NEED THEM.

The first thing you should be trying to do is amass an army of gatherers to get resources from the locations on the world map. In Mafia city the best gathering units are the vehicle types from your vehicle refit center. When you finally have enough units to fill all of your Ques you should stop producing the other unit types and only produce vehicles. Don’t stop doing this. ONLY USE TRAINING SPEED UPS ON VEHICLES. Using the training specific speed ups on anything else is a massive waste.

You should be sending these out as much as possible. This will net you millions of resources. Use gathering buffs if you’re able to. And when they return send the gatherers out again immediately. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALMOST ANYTHING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MAKING SURE BUILDERS ARE ACTIVE.

Important: level your Invstment Agency to along side your mansion at first. You need to get it to level 12 and go into crew capabilities and learn Operation Team 1 and 2. This will give you extra Ques for gathering. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. Dont prioritize even mansion level requirements before this is done. There’s no point in leveling your mansion if you won’t have resources for it. At level 20 you will want to catch this building up again. At level 20 you can unlock another Que and on top of that you need a level 24 invstment agency as a requirement for level 25 anyway.

  1. Building Ques

Use speed ups wisely. Only use nonspecific speed ups to build. Just because you can finish your mansion level doesn’t mean you should. If the next mansion requirement needs stuff you’re not even close to yet…let it build for a day.

After level 15 you need to start planning. At low levels you can For example, leveling to mansion 18 only requires a level 17 wall. But 19 will also require a level 18 clan hall. Up until this point there was no reason to upgrade your clan hall at all. So it will still probably be low level. THIS IS DAYS OF BUILDING. Around 3 or so I believe. So getting it going and using speed ups to catch this building up so you’re ready is very important if you want to finish level 25 in a timeframe. Dropping 3 days because you used all you speed ups on your mansion when you could have leveled your clan hall along side it as it went up would be a pretty big hit.

Use online resources. There are guides and lists that show requirements for everything. Make sure you plan ahead. Don’t timegate yourself when you don’t need to.

  1. Join a decent clan and don’t be useless

This is so important. Not just for the resources provided, but also for the protection. Once you’re in a decent clan you shouldn’t need to waste too many resources shielding yourself unless there’s a “kill event” going on.

BE AWARE OF THIS. if there are kill events up that means stronger players will be hitting anyone they can to farm kills. This includes your gatherers. So shield up and only send them out if you’re willing to monitor them and recall them if an attack is coming. Don’t play reactively here because you’re being greedy. If you think you have time to stop an attack while you’re asleep you may be wrong. If someone teleports next to your base then attacks and uses one speed boost, you have less than 10 seconds(maybe less) to grab your phone, load the game, and buy a shield before they wipe out half your troops and take a fat stack of resources from you probably.

Anyway, you can tell a clan is decent if they have a minimum power requirement. This is because they want serious players. Please don’t tell your clan “I’m just here for the rewards”. In world war rising, if you told my clan that we would kick you and then farm you. And if you sent out gatherers we’d kill them off. Why? Because you wasted our clan slot. They’re limited. And our help and rewards could have went to someone who needed it. So keep quiet about just wanting rewards.

HELP THE CLAN. Every 4 hours go to clan>clan contribution and well…contribute. This is worth it. Use your gold here when the contribution procs happen to get extra. You can use contribution points for several things. Speed ups. Early game you can even use them to buy 1000 low tier troops which is good because it saves production times on getting up to maximize gathering. Contribution is monitored and you can see how you compare to others.

Help your clan build. Don’t be greedy. If they’re building a defense tower or something recall one of your groups and send them to help. THEY WILL NOTICE YOY HELPING. they will be grateful.

Now you’re like: “why would I lose 600k resources just to build a building for people I’ll never see again when I’m done?”

(Btw if you move your base in the radius of the towers you get a 25% gathering speed bonus which is MASSIVE.)

Because they will notice you helping and you’ll become someone they care to protect. I literally didn’t use shields pretty much at all during my run. I was attacked one time. It got a full response from my clan and the attacker recalled and shielded himself instead because 5 people moved to attack immediately. This means that I was able to use my gold for other things.

Help your clan with raids and other things as well. The rewards from all of these are usually good. They may take up one of your gathering ques but it doesn’t take long usually and you can get all kinds of goodies from it.

Honestly I recommend saying hi every now and then. These are people and generally pretty friendly. Besides you’re stuck with them for a month. And honestly if they like you and you’re helpful, if you reach a point where you don’t have the resources to push forward…ask for some. Whatever you need is pennies to the high level players. And if they like you they won’t care to send some.

  1. Everything else.

I’m going to list things below that I think are important or just general tips but don’t require as much attention.

  1. Invstment agency.

You can always have this learning a new skill and you should. Criminal enterprises gives building speed bonuses. Resources let’s you gather faster. Always have something being learned

  1. Garden

The Garden and it’s store are SO good. Collect your daily seeds. Always be growing 3 plants. Harvest when done and plant more. The garden store has CRAZY rewards in it. Level 1 has speed-ups and 8 hour double build que. level 2 has 8 hour gathering bonus and energy cans. YOU CAN BUY THESE DAILY BECAUSE THE SHOP RESETS.

  1. Smuggler

Guy standing next to the car by the gate. You get free resets daily and basically just look for anything useful you can buy without using gold. Speed ups and buffs are easy to come by here.

  1. Pawnbroker, Lapidary, and Black Market

Pawnbroker makes equips for your leader. The lapidary and black market give the things you need to make the equipment. Just get yourself some building speed bonuses and call it a day mostly. Keep them running and you can SLOWLY improve this gear over time but it’s pretty minimal after a while. However reaching 5% build speed increase is huge in the long run.

  1. Build as many clubs as you can.

Just let’s your build more troops at once so you don’t have to bother with it every hour

  1. Build your in town resource generators together.

You won’t get most of your resources from this but what you can do is everyone and then instead of tapping them drag your finger across them and created a combo. This will supply you with small rewards the best of which are speed ups.

  1. Babes

Just level up the ones that give things you need. The first one the game gives you is very easy to level up and give increased gathering load. Another one gives increases training capacity. Mostly ignorable after you have desirable bonuses.

  1. Hero energy

Just use this to attack the vicious gunmen spawned for you clan. 25 energy each run and easy. Send 1 motorcycle unit and it will be fastest. At the beginning I recommend running street wars just to get some free troops.

  1. The slammer.

Just do what you can everyday. You probably won’t be strong enough to make it too far.

  1. NSFW

The game swears a lot and the babes are probably not something you want your coworkers to see on your screen.

I will say the elite snipers in the shooter camp screaming “NIGHT NIGHT, PUSSIES” is hilarious though.

That’s pretty much it. And it’s a lot I know. I spent 5 dollars at the start and I reached level 20 within 8 days. From there once I had my 4th gathering que it was honestly just a matter of making sure gathers were out and checking the garden and invstment agency. Just make sure your second building que is working on the next levels requirements while the mansion and wall are being upgraded. Spend the 5 dollars the moment you start. Or you’re going to be resource gated probably by about level 12. This 5 dollars will get you set up with strong gathering ques.

If you don’t like these kind of games in the slightest I don’t recommend the offer very much. But try to have fun and good luck.

And remember to BE PATIENT.

Edit: if you feel you are falling behind by the time you get to level 20 there is a pack called the Growth Fund in the store. Once you hit level 21 it disappears. It is $10 and gives massive amounts of speed ups and resources. If you don’t think you’ll make it grab this. I considered it just to speed up the process and looking back it would have made it laughably easy following all the things I’ve said above.

Submitted September 12, 2021 at 10:44AM by nono1243

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