Friday, June 18, 2021

Which new skills should I learn? Some advice needed.

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Hello guys,

I have been freelancing for a very long time already and I want to learn new skills for the next six months starting on July 1. I know graphic design with most of the Adobe Apps, coding with CSS, HTML, and bootstrap, and I use WordPress for basic websites. I still get clients from logo design or making basic sites but I want something more consistent with at least 5 projects monthly.

  1. I learned JS before through freecodecamp but I stopped after the 70% completion mark, I'm thinking of starting again in July. After Vanilla JS, maybe react? I always thought of making my own apps before.
  2. I know some basic on-page SEO, do you think it's worth it to learn more?
  3. Thoughts on Adobe In Design?

Submitted June 18, 2021 at 10:30AM by pixelmatrixx

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