Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Meal Prep Club - a great way to have some variety in your meals

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I don’t have a chest freezer but I like to cook at weekends and freeze in individual portions to take to work so I don’t have to buy lunch. The problem is that it gets really boring eating the same thing for lunch and dinner every day but I don’t have the freezer space to cook 3 or 4 different things. I decided to start a meal prep club with a few friends where we each cook a dish, bring it to somebody’s house, everyone brings their own containers and we trade meals. We’ve been doing it for a while now (I live in Australia where covid restrictions permit this) and it’s been great! Especially recommend if you have a very multicultural friend circle - one of my friends is Indian and her dishes are always out of this world, better than any Indian takeaway I’ve ever had.

Submitted June 16, 2021 at 03:13AM by anna_vee

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