Thursday, June 17, 2021

Does this online job sound legit? Urgent help needed before I accept!!

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Hi guys -
thanks for clicking, I've been stressing about this for weeks.
I currently work as an online teacher which has good hours and decent pay but I've been doing this for a few years now and realized this isn't really what I feel passionate about and felt I needed to finally break into the editing world.
Almost instantly, I found a job advertisement online looking for an English language editor for an online magazine...
I won't disclose the name of the magazine but I will try and give enough details to get my point across.

Essentially, what I understood about the job was this online magazine collaborates with international writers who submit their work to translators who then submit their work to editors - their job is the clarify any mistakes, fill in any grammar and make sure the writing flows fluently.

I got an online interview which I felt went really well.
Two days later, I was invited to another interview with the director of the magazine who lives in Brazil, his internet wasn't the best but we managed.
But halfway through the interview, he took a phone call which lasted 18 minutes.
Afterward, he went on to ask me peculiar questions - instead of asking about my editing experience or current job, he was asking me about my hometown, more specifically, how many people I thought lived in the city I was born in.
He told me to Google it, which I did and he shared his screen with me talking about the surrounding cities and how exactly I travel to and from visiting my family in the hometown and the place I currently live.
I asked about pay and he told me he wasn't sure how much but it would be article-based.

My gut feeling was something was a little off about those questions and I was relieved when I didn't hear anything back for a few days.
A week went by and I was invited to a third interview with both the director and the recruitment lady I had my first interview with.
During the interview, they told me that due to my likable personality, they wanted to offer me another job.
It was a manager for the people they collaborate with but specified to cities.
I was unsure whilst they were explaining what exactly my job responsibilities would entail but it sounded like a lot of work, and more worryingly, it sounded like sales.
What I could understand was I would go out searching for people who might want to be advertised on our magazine's website, build relationships with them, establish good connections with them and then offer them premium advertisements on our website.
What I was most nervous about was that they explained, my pay would be a percentage based on their subscriptions with no hourly pay.
So I could do all that work and be refused at the end and receive no money.

I was anxious and I'll admit that after that news, I sort of shut down during the interview. I was disappointed and confused. I was worried this job wasn't legit because it sounded so bad...
Anyway, it ended with me saying I'd appreciate more explanation about the job with a clear expectation of the salary written down in an email.
That was a week ago and I received no email.

Today, I reached out to them and I received an email from the recruitment lady giving me an appointment in a few hours to begin training.
I emailed back explaining I wasn't entirely certain about accepting until I received more information and salary.
Not to mention, I still have my teaching job which finishes in the afternoon, which I'd explained to them.
She was a little short with me in her next emails, explaining that time is precious and I must begin training immediately and that the salary is information she doesn't have but the director will be in touch another time.

I was beginning to get irritated and told her firmly that I would not begin any training that would take up my time without a written description of my role within the magazine and what I can expect to be paid.
She hasn't replied and I'm wondering if she even will at this point.
My paranoia isn't helping because I think I've just ruined a good job opportunity.

I'm reaching out here for everyone's thoughts.
How does this sound?
If anyone is interested in the magazine, feel free to PM me but I don't think it's entirely necessary. They have no reviews online, no Glassdoor reviews but have 170k followers on Instagram and professional Linkedin pages.

Thanks for your time.

Submitted June 17, 2021 at 05:35AM by throwaway19736103841

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