Monday, April 5, 2021

Allergen immunotherapy- frugality and allergies

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I was diagnosed with a dust mite allergy (April 1st). Considering the drawbacks of an allergy and all the extra work and energy that goes into eliminating those dust mites, like washing all the bedding (pillow, mattress, sheets) every week, then seeing that my rooms humidity is never above 50%, making sure the temperature is always between 16 and 17°celsius, plus the cost of mite-blocking bedding and the constant sneezing and my constantly irritated nose I consider going through a desensitization.

Depending on how much my health insurance would cover, would a Desensitization would be less costly in the long run? Especially because allergies can get worse (and I read that it is possible to develop more allergies later on) and cause asthma, and it just feels like my life got a lot more stressful from one day to the other. Right now my allergy is still manageable, but it still annoys me, and it feels like a serious drawback to my quality of life. The cost of desensitization is like €1800 for three years (I googled that, and I don't think this is what I am going to fully pay, I still have to ask my health care provider about it). I also know that there is a small margin of the therapy failing or not being as effective as it should. But I feel like I should do it.

Submitted April 05, 2021 at 03:25AM by Madmous1

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