Thursday, March 25, 2021

Where could I look for people who need English-Spanish translations?

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Months ago I created a Fiverr account offering English-Spanish translations.

My situations is 22 years old, I'm a computer science+EnglishC1 student at the moment, and I've been studying CS for 5 years now...English for even more.

My objective was to try to earn some money in order to be able to pay a private psychologist since the public system in my country doesn't work at all.

The thing is, after trying to refine my gig as much as possible, I came to the conclusion that if you are a newcomer to Fiverr, It's going to be immensely hard to get your first gig.


  • When buyers look for services, they are sorted by default by best sellers, which means that newcomers with no ratings/orders...won't even appear.
  • If they do find you, they have no guarantee with you, since as I said, I'm a newcomer so I have no reviews.

I used Fiverr for a couple of months without getting a single order, mainly because of this reason.

After some months, now, I came to the conclusion that maybe I have to look for customers who are in need of these type of translations, but I honestly don't have a clue on how to find them.

I am certainly lost in this issue and I do not know how to continue moving forward, so maybe you can tell me something I yet haven't noticed, did wrongly.

Thanks for your time, kind stranger!

Submitted March 25, 2021 at 08:12PM by useyourbrainplease1

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