Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Answer to how much time I spend on earnings programs (kinda)

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In case you dont know who I am, Im the guy that writes the "who paid you this month" post at the start of each month. Every month when I post my earnings post, its inevitable that I get asked multiple times in replies and PMs:


I usually give vague answers because its a very hard question to answer. But in this post I will try to give some answers and explain why its hard to answer.

So the easiest and the most accurate answer is.. I dont know. BUt I wont leave you with that.. That would make this post some kinda weird click bait.
So first let me give you the reasons its hard to answer:

  • First understand that I am a man still recovering from an amputation. Because of issues I still have trouble being mobile. So most of my time when awake are in front of the PC.
  • I am often doing multiple things at once. I have a multiple monitor setup. So its possible I might be doing two seperate things at once. Especially if something has a stupid timer element to it.
  • I suspect I have undiagnosed ADD. I often stop in the middle of the task to check news, check facebook, check reddit, watch a youtube video, and then go back to the task.
  • Everyone works at their own pace based on a number of factors like experience, typing skills, etc

Lets look at something like Mturk for example. When Mturk is firing hot and im focused. I can easily do $10 an hour. And most times im at least making minimum wage.... BUT.

If someone starts Mturk today they arent going to be nearly as fast as me. There are some sets of survey questions Ive literally seen over 1000 times in my Mturk career. I know how to whiz through them and watch for attention checks.. No im not answering randomly. Its just my answers for these questions never change.

So while I can do $10 an hour.. or at least minimum wage... someone just starting probably isnt going to get minimum wage. ANd would probably feel overwhelmed at how I do things. Sometimes I have 15 HITs in queue. I prioritize what looks best. I try to get to everything but dont fret if something expires before I get to it.  

And then there is the slower times. If I get 4 hits in an hour.. and make $5. But only spent about 20 mins on those hits. Did I make $5 an hour? or $15 an hour? And what if I did 2 hits and then check stock charts for 30 mins and then came back to the HITs?

Like this past Saturday.. I was scanning for hits for 9 hours. I made $24. But I wouldnt say I made less than $3 an hour. I was working on the game I sell RES on. I played some games on my phone, I went to the bathroom a few times, I read the news, unfriended a couple people on facebook, wrote this post, watched some youtube, analyzed some futures and forex charts, took a small nap and ran a mile (kidding.. I would be dead). I would guess I made between $8-10 an hour when I was actually working on HITs. but if you go by the time I was in front of the screen. no. So Mturk is also going to depend on when you can work. 8-8 M-F is the time its hopping. If you are doing it overnight or on weekends you will be scrounging for HITs.

Therefore its impossible for me to say how long exactly I work on things. I dont hit a timer when I start and stop working on stuff. ANd I cant count the entire time im sitting here... because if its slow I might work on stocks or play a game, or do a quick performance on onlyfans. (kidding)
So to answer the question about Prolific and Mturk... Im here all day and im always on the lookout for HITs... but not always working on HITs.. so an hourly rate is hard to nail down. ANd because my skill set is different than yours, the time you spend for the same amount of money could be wildly different

Now for things like swagbucks and other GPTs... you are never going to get near minimum wage with surveys except occassionally with things like remesh. If you are doing this stuff for needed income versus just a hobby or actual beermoney.. than these things arent great. They are things to do while watching tv or bored on the couch etc. Even playing games to a certain level wont get minimum wage.

In final thoughts, one of the reasons people do beermoney stuff, and stuff like Mturk, Appen, Prolific, Clickworker/UHRS etc is because they can decide how they work and to an extent when they work. And all of those factors make saying "you will make x an hour" impossible to pin down. A person who has done 500K hits, is great at typing, concentrates easily, has no distractions and works mturk 9-5, is going to have a wildly different rate than the person who has 500 HITs, is an average typist, is distracted as they are trying to watch their kids, and works in the late evening.
So if you ask me HOw much time. And I say well I make $10 an hour. and then you start and make $5 an hour at first.. you are going to be disappointed, dejected and may think Im a lying jerk.
So the answer is a non answer but I hope it gives a better perspective. ANd if not.. it at least gives me a link I can send people to when they ask HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND ON THIS

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 11:53PM by themightyox

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