Monday, March 29, 2021

Do not use delivery apps if there are restaurants near by or if you don’t need your groceries right away.

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1) Try to physically go to a restaurant or food outlet close to your place and order and pick up your food. Food delivery apps jack up the dish prices for a lot of restaurants and fast food chains. You save up on app service fees, delivery fee, pay reduced tax and no delivery tip.

I will give you an example. In New York City If you order five guys using an online delivery app a order of regular fries is 5.63. With delivery fees and service tax and regular tax the whole thing adds up to 11.46. Without delivery tip. If you order and pick it up your self it is 6.13 with tax. If you go and order yourself and pick it up it’s 5.11 with tax .

2) The same applies for grocery shopping. Example - bounty in target is 9.99. with tax it’s 11.38. On a well know delivery app it is 11.49 before tax, service tax and delivery tip. Each item price is jacked up. I have noticed that prices of products in warehouse stores is higher by 1-2 dollars when ordered using deliver apps.

But if you still want to shop online and get it delivered then use store apps or online stores like boxed, target, Walmart, Etc. Yes you will end up getting your product in a couple of days rather than a couple of hours but you end up saving.

I know a lot of people don’t think it’s a lot of savings but it adds up over time.

3) before Ordering pet toys online check out your local TJ Max or similar stores. They are mostly discounted and cheaper.

4) obvious thing to do is try to buy things using subscription for reoccurring purchases like toilet paper, ETC. Works out cheaper over time.

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 09:13PM by CptIskarJarak

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