Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Klokki for Mac — Rule-based automatic time-tracking

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Hello! I am the Founder and Designer at Klokki.
I hope you don't mind that I am posting this here, just wanted to share with you a neat app that we've created. And it is actually an important part of working online.

Klokki was created to solve an annoying issue that many freelancers and makers face, which is forgetting to start and pause a timer, during the work. The solution is automation, but we knew that people still want to control what should be tracked. Enter — rule-based automatic time-tracking.

Therefore we've created "Auto-Tracking" which gives you the possibility to configure specific rules for your tasks. With this, you are able to tell Klokki that it should start tracking, as soon as you start working on file-x, or open site-y, or the combination of those two. We've included a variety of options that will give you endless configuration possibilities.

Check it here 👉 — and ask me anything, happy to answer your questions.

We are also on Product Hunt today. So if you decide to support us, it would mean the world to me! 🙌
Thank you all in advance!

Submitted May 15, 2019 at 09:57PM by moorstas

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